This is one of those, "what were they thinking," moments. I'm sure most have seen this in the headlines. A few weeks ago, in good old Harrold, Texas, a small town located just across the Oklahoma border, the school board decided to come up with legislation which will allow teachers to pack pistols starting this school year. You heard me correctly, teachers will be bringing guns to school. Is this like something from out of the wild west or what?
It is reported that the town has only one school with 110 students (first red flag). It has not been reported, however, whether the students who attend the school are of elementary, middle, or high school age. When you really think about it, I don't think it much matters. What does matter is whether or not it is the responsibility of school districts to instill paranoia in our children? What are our children learning from this debacle?
During an earlier interview, school superintendent, David Thweatt, justified the school boards decision by stating that the town of Harrold is near a highway, and is 30 minutes from the nearest police station (second red flag)-- leaving the students and teachers vulnerable. He further states that, "When the federal government started making schools gun-free zones, that's when all of these shootings started. Why would you put it out there that a group of people can't defend themselves?(third red flag) That's like saying 'sic 'em' to a dog."(fourth, fifth, and sixth red flag) Is it me, or has the guy totally lost his mind. Somebody needs to "sic" the dog on him and those other wackos who think this is such a marvel idea.
First of all, the town needs to get some law enforcement. Even the town of Mayberry had Andy and Barney. Come on guys, this is the 21st century. Secondly, let's say the school is attacked, how is a pistol going to stack up to someone with an arsenal of Ak47's and ammunition? Let's see, maybe, after intense planning to blow away half the school, the assailant will have second thoughts because teachers carry pistols Or, maybe he'd simply die from laughter. Does the school board and superintendent really think that by allowing teachers to carry guns to school such attacks as the ones that occurred at Columbine and Virgina Tech would be prevented? Is it really a teacher's responsibility to act as a law enforcement agent?
I dunno, call me stupid, but for obvious reasons, let's just say I think this is a really bad idea. I don't know about you, but I am highly concerned about one of these guns getting into the wrong hands -- namely a child. The death rate amongst youth, due to gunfire is steadily growing. What concerns me even more is the possibility of a teacher using a gun as a means of discipline.
Now to be perfectly honest I have not yet read the logistics of this legislation. But a few questions come to mind as to how this all will be carried out. First, will the teachers actually have guns in the classroom while students are there? 2) will the teachers have to go through mandatory gun safety courses? 3) what security measures have been put in place to ensure that a student does not get access to a teachers gun? 4) will each teacher be psychologically tested?
These are just a few question that immediately came to mind. I am sure that you have many others. I would really like to get some feedback on this one. Let me know whether you agree or disagree with this school board's decision and rationale.
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